Green Waste Management

12 July, 2020

Knebworth Lodge member, Nick Darter, used his pub car park as a green waste recycling point, in return for charitable donations from the public

Nick Darter of Knebworth Lodge No 6941 owns a small landscape business and local pub. During the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst green waste recycling collections have been suspended in the area, he has set-up a section of his pub car park for local people to use as a tip for their garden waste; in return for a donation to the NHS.

Thanks to the generosity of the owner of a local green waste station, Nick has been able to dispose of this waste for free. Even more generous, the owner has also given Nick a supply of free compost that those dropping off waste can help themselves to, in return for a further donation.

All this great work has raised an amazing £4,000 for the local NHS trust!